Call Center Trends to Keep an Eye On

Call centers have come a long way in the last decade. In the past, call centers were often associated with cold calling, with the emphasis on selling and closing, and little concern how the prospect experience. My, how things have changed.
A dedicated focus toward customer experience continues to be an important trend over the past few years. It may have taken a while for companies to realize customer experience is a critical differentiator and that customers value their experience above almost everything, but we assure you it is a main focus now. By the end of 2017, it was obvious that most companies had fully invested in this fact, but that doesn’t mean they should worry about it less in 2018.
When it comes to customer support, a company should consistently examine the ways customers interact with its call center and work to identify any shortcomings it may have. If there are a high volume of calls centering around the same issues, changes obviously need to be made. In the end, it’s always going to be about the customer and their needs.
Along the same lines of customer experience, an increase in focus on First Call Resolution (FSR) is a current trend taking place in 2018. If you look at it through the eyes of the customer, it would be a lot more pleasant for everyone involved if the issue at hand can be resolved with one phone call. Minimizing call transfers or having to call back plays a big part in the customer’s experience, and they are sure to be happier if it only takes them one phone call and a minimal amount of time to get their problem fixed. The best ways to resolve an issue on the first call are to have the wait time be reasonable, staff courteous and solution responsive.
Another trend currently happening in the world of call centers these days is the use of artificial intelligence. AI is all the rave for technology users, and chatbots and virtual assistants have changed the roles of customer service agents for the better. AI practically works as an internal assistant to call center representatives, guiding customers through their calls, making suggestions, tracking tone and sentiment using cognitive analysis technology, and pretty much making the call easier for everyone involved.
One other call center trend involves social media and the convenience it offers. Sometimes people don’t feel comfortable taking the time to call and interact with someone over the phone. When issues arise for these people, social media support channels are a great way to help them. According to Deloitte, 9% of all support contacts in 2019 will be via social media. This is precisely why creating a social media support channel in 2018 is vital. Having call center agents available to answer questions via direct messaging on social media can save the customer time and give them an overall better experience.
These are just a few of the many call center trends currently taking place in 2018, but it is safe to assume that as trends come and go, customer experience and convenience will stay at the forefront of all trends.

Gold Mountain, we take pride in that. Customer service and customer experience have been a top priority since we opened our doors 10 years ago. If you have the need for a call center than can represent your company in a way that won’t alienate your customers and prospects, give us a call and let’s talk about your needs.