Setting Effective Call Center Goals
Call center goals are vital to day-to-day operations. They give representatives something to strive for, continuously pushing them to be better. If you haven’t mapped out your call center goals for the year, we recommend doing so as soon as possible. While these goals are important, we understand the trials and frustrations that often accompany developing and maintaining them. That’s why we’re here to offer insight on how to effectively set your annual goals.
Why set goals?
This is an interesting question and one that most certainly needs answering. Representatives should have a list of goals because they help bring a sense of achievement to a position that often lacks it. Call center representatives are some of the hardest-working people in the world. They often work long, undesirable hours while sometimes taking verbal abuse from those they are on the phone with. Setting individual goals such as improved performance, along with inclusive team goals, brings excitement and a sense of teamwork to the workplace that lifts morale and improves output.
How to set goals
To set effective, achievable call center goals, the benefits of reaching each goal must be stressed. When all the representatives are informed of the benefits and the importance of reaching them, working together to achieve them is much more likely. Establishing clear, structured goals helps provide clarity and vision as well. Once that’s done, allow your team to take appropriate and efficient action to ensure the new goals will be met. To track your progress towards your goals, create a schedule to review and revise all goals. By regularly meeting, everyone from base-level representatives to high-level executives can be sure the company is making progress toward the goals that have been set in place.
Use the S.M.A.R.T. Method
When setting call center goals, keep in mind the S.M.A.R.T. method. Be specific. Ask the who, what, where, when, and why questions. Who is the goal for? What does it accomplish? Where will the work take place to meet it? When will it be achieved? Why are you trying to accomplish this goal? Answering these questions gives everyone a keen insight into the reasoning behind a certain goal. Secondly, make the goal measurable. You must be able to measure a call center goal, that way you know the progress your team is making on their path to achieving it. Third, make the goal attainable. Setting goals that are impossible to reach helps no one. One of the major reasons people fail to hit goals is because they were too ambitious with their goal setting in the first place.
The fourth step in the S.M.A.R.T. method involves making the goals relevant. Getting specific with your goals should help make them relevant to your call center and your representatives. If your team has the highest customer satisfaction in the industry, setting a goal to be better at customer service doesn’t seem overly relevant. The last step is to make your call center goals time-bound. You must be specific about the timeline of your goal, that way there is a sense of urgency to complete it.
Setting call center goals are great, and everyone should do it. However, doing so improperly can discourage representatives and lower morale. Setting effective, achievable goals enables teamwork and a positive work environment, creating representatives that are confident in the work they do.
Lastly, but certainly not least, remember to celebrate hitting goals and milestones. When the whole team can see that the company is progressing towards the goals that have been set in place, everyone is brought closer together and will be more motivated to achieve the next goal.