Make a Good First Impression Using a Call Center
Call centers are most commonly used to satisfy customer service needs. Because of this, it’s essential to know what customers want and expect when dealing with a call center. Knowing what they require from the first impression to resolution is a great way to ensure customers are satisfied.
Professionalism and Friendliness
Work can be a grind sometimes. We can all admit there are some days when we just aren’t feeling it. No matter the mood or how a day is going, outside factors can’t be allowed to affect a representative’s handling of a customer negatively. When someone speaks to a call center representative, they expect to be treated with respect. Additionally, they are hoping to hold a conversation with an informed individual. We’re not saying call centers have to be overjoyed to speak to every person on the phone. However, knowledge, respect, and a smile translate well over the phone.
A Good First Impression
Piggybacking off friendliness, an excellent first impression has come to be expected by customers. Manners through the phone are critical to good interactions. Call center representatives must be polite and lead the call, even if the customer is angered or frustrated. Connections are often won or lost in the first 30 seconds, making the first impression more important than any other part of the call. An excellent first impression to a customer can be as simple as acknowledging the caller and signaling that you are in control of the call and willing to help.
Quick Resolution
From a common-sense standpoint, customers expect a quick, hassle-free resolution. The one thing customers want more than anything when speaking to a call center representative is a fast solution to their questions or concerns. An excellent way to achieve a prompt first-call resolution is to make customer information easily accessible to representatives. Having to record basic information from the customer (email, account info, etc.) can get annoying and take time away from resolving the issue at hand. Information is the key to quick resolutions, regardless of if it’s the customer’s or about a product, service, etc.
Transparency and Accountability
Everyone wants honesty. That should be a no-brainer. When there’s an issue with a product or service, a customer almost always wants customer service to admit fault on their end or be honest as to why there is an issue in the first place. Honesty truly is the best policy, and a lack of it can cause more problems in the future. An excellent way to prove to customers that you are willing to be transparent and accountable is to provide them with transcripts and reference numbers and have representatives clearly say their names/introduce themselves. Doing so gives customers something to provide if they need to call again and speak with another representative.
When it comes to what customers want from a call center, they mainly want to have their questions answered and issues resolved – but that’s not all of it. Customers also expect courtesy, professionalism, and honesty from those on the phone in addition to a resolution. A call center that can provide all that in one phone call is genuinely focused on customer service.